Monday, February 18, 2008

My writing list

I need to write as I need to breathe or eat. Now I'm writing a short story called 'videogames' about the end of the world senario. I wrote it out of desperation because it's been in my head for over ten years but recently I came up with a plot that I liked. I also wrote a short story about a girl who's dying of cancer and of course HammerOfHarpel.
I want to focus on getting all this published -- or at least try -- but at this point, like the great Miles Davis 'the ideas are in my head. I can't get them out, ' meaning that unless I write it down, the idea won't shut themselves up. I also have a story about superheros with a great twist that's been sitting in limbo simply because the others need to get out of my head first.
I also have a great short story about a young girl on death row. I know at some point I have to stop and get it published. HammerOfHarpel is truly the most polished. It's a great story but it's so exhausting that I need to take breaks and that's when I go to short stories.
Anyway, post comments if you like.


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