Saturday, March 29, 2008

Death in the family

Well we lost my cat Golda. She was nothing short of a full family member and it's quieted my writing and my social life. I've just been down about it. I had not considered how much of a hole she left. Golda was with us for eighteen years and died at age 24. I miss you Golda.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

writing is damn addictive

Some say writing is breathing -- both are essential for life. For me writing is access. Helen Keller once wrote that reading was her avenue to the hearing and speaking world. Writing for me is my avenue into the impossible where planets come alive, worlds fall and rebuild on a page. I can go anywhere and do anything within the medium of text. I love it for all its flavors.
Writing is hard work -- damn hard work but it's also very satisfying.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tomorrow night!

Tomorrow night will be my first meetup. I fear I will be the worst of the worst writers but I think of Paul Simon who once said 'it's hell' when it comes to writing. Writing music and fiction still employ a great deal of energy and time on the author's part. Oh well, here I go!

Tomorrow night!

Monday, February 18, 2008

My writing list

I need to write as I need to breathe or eat. Now I'm writing a short story called 'videogames' about the end of the world senario. I wrote it out of desperation because it's been in my head for over ten years but recently I came up with a plot that I liked. I also wrote a short story about a girl who's dying of cancer and of course HammerOfHarpel.
I want to focus on getting all this published -- or at least try -- but at this point, like the great Miles Davis 'the ideas are in my head. I can't get them out, ' meaning that unless I write it down, the idea won't shut themselves up. I also have a story about superheros with a great twist that's been sitting in limbo simply because the others need to get out of my head first.
I also have a great short story about a young girl on death row. I know at some point I have to stop and get it published. HammerOfHarpel is truly the most polished. It's a great story but it's so exhausting that I need to take breaks and that's when I go to short stories.
Anyway, post comments if you like.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

What it's about

Hammer Of Harpel takes place on another planet (but then again you probably knew that already). The setup is in the fictional city called Beronate with the protagonist called Benjamin Dudgeon. His goal is to get into the city of Aneron but he was not prepared for what was happening in Aneron. Aneron wants to go into the valley and in the process will uncover the deadliest secret on the planet. A secret that if discovered could take down the planet.

My first Blog

I've never done blogging before but in consideration of my desire to get published, it was suggested that I go this route. Ok, I know that sounds a bit formal but here it is.
I'm 43, hungry to get published and my user name comes from the title of a series of fantasy books called 'Hammer Of Harpel' that I hope to get published. It's a complex series of books that's taken over two years work to write so far and more to go.